Thriving During The Lockdown
Today is the first day of the Covid-19 Lockdown in New Zealand. I am not sure that the reality of it all has sunk in yet. When the Prime Minister made the announcement on Monday, we greeted it with real trepidation. The same morning, I found out that a 4-day certification programme I was running next week had been cancelled as participants facing regional travel restrictions or who may have been immuno-compromised were forced to pull out. As soon as the lockdown was announced, another client announced the suspension of all training and coaching activities. Suddenly, the client work that I was eagerly looking forward to in March and April was abruptly terminated. The month ahead looked like a yawning abyss of nothingness.
It is going to be hard over the next four weeks, not being able to meet and work with clients and business partners and friends. It will be hard to have to miss that coffee at my favourite café or even to drive to our local dog park. It is going to be a challenging time. But imagine how much harder it is for people on the frontlines of this pandemic, or people who have lost their livelihoods or who are infected with the virus or people who have to be on their own for the next four weeks.
But here’s the thing about challenges…
They’re meant to be met head on and overcome.
The challenges we face in our life trail are what enable us to grow!
How are you doing? What are you going to have to give up over the coming weeks? And what are you going to do instead?
I have a plan. I do not intend to fall into an abyss of fear and uncertainty. I am going to raise my energy and keep my spirits high and I hope you do too!
My plan over the next 4 weeks:
Be out of bed by 7am each morning (my dog, Sacha will make sure of this!)
Take Sacha out for a quick walk around the neighbourhood in the morning and evening every day
Get on the cross trainer, do some yoga and a session of meditation
Have breakfast, lunch and dinner with my lovely wife, Monica, each day
Write in my Bullet Journal each day. I’ve been doing this since 2017
Get some online learning done each day. I subscribe to Mindvalley and Evercoach. They have some great online courses.
Design the modules of my soon to be launched Everyday EQ Online learning programme Here’s a taster:
Design an accreditation programme to be launched toward the middle of the year
Participate in an online team coaching certification programme
Declutter my office
Update my website
Catch up on old episodes of Star Trek
Just because we are physically distancing ourselves from each other doesn’t mean we have to be socially or emotionally disconnected from each other. With that in mind:
I am offering a free hour of coaching for anyone who wants or needs an ear. All you need to do is book a time with me using the link here:
This experience will change us and I believe the world will come through better for it..
Let’s just take it one day at a time and get stuck into the things that we’ve been wanting to do but never got around to doing and Let’s Stay Connected!
Kia Kaha
PS Here’s a huge shout out to the folks on the frontlines of this pandemic: the healthcare professionals, the police, the supermarket workers, the bank tellers and everyone ensuring that critical supplies continue to be there for all of us! You’re doing a tremendous job and we love you for it!