Build and Lead an Awesome Change Programme

Are you or your team:
Experiencing on-going change in the workplace?
Struggling to communicate change effective?
Feeling unsupported during the transition?
Suffering from 'Change Fatigue'?
Experiencing cynicism about the changes taking place?
Unfocused and demoralised at work?
If these questions resonate with you, your teams, leaders and organisation then you need to attend this ONE DAY WORKSHOP on TYPE and TRANSITIONS. We'll show you how to:
Keep your teams focused during transitions
Circumvent common pitfalls in communication
Avoid setting up resistance to the transition process
Communicate change effectively to different personality types
Build a transition programme that actually works!
Join Brian Lawrence, Director of Life Trails Consulting and accomplished global facilitator as he leads this event. Brian is an MBTI Master Practitioner and has accredited over a thousand MBTI Practitioners in seven countries. He has designed and led numerous programmes in team development, change and leadership across the globe.