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Intentional Leadership

Be The Leader You Were Meant to Be

How many times have you implemented a solution only to find you are faced with a new problem?
How often do you focus on one perspective while overlooking other possibilities?
We often make important decisions based on our current perspective, not a systematic appraisal of all the factors that lead to a decision. Intentional Leadership is a practical process that factors in who you are, who you’re leading, where you are now, where you want to go, and what might get in your way—all while learning to leverage the cyclical nature of most decisions.


Intentional leaders have deep self knowledge and recognise that their strengths come with blind spots. They know that every situation draws on their talents in ways that bring out limitations. They are intentional about identifying any potential problems as best they can. They ask questions like:

·      Who will I be leading?

·      What will motivate the people I am leading to reach our business goals?

·      What defines our environment?

·      What emphases and actions on my part will have the greatest positive impact on my team’s performance?

·      Where might my style fall short of what is needed in any given situation?

Ask yourself if your focus on leadership is based on career success or is it a calling? Are you doing what you were meant to do? Will you look back and say “I chose wisely”?

Take the first step and join us

Our Intentional Leadership Workshop and Coaching brings this process to life as we guide you in developing your ability to focus on what you need to do to reach specific goals. You’ll learn how to tackle the big questions, such as:
How can I increase employee engagement when I’m measured on business results? How do I coach my employees when I need to evaluate them?
Why set vision and goals when everything is constantly changing?
How can I succeed at work and still have time for friends, family, and causes I care about? How do I escape the no-time-to-delegate-but-delegating-buys-me-time paradox?
This course is for leaders at all levels, and coaches, whether they are executive, career, or life coaches.
Bring your team and learn how to build trust, coach each other, and get sustainable results.

What you’ll do

• Develop a deep understanding of your leadership strengths and how their related blind spots might hinder your progress toward goals
• Discover the roles and priorities most key to success in your situation, using a leadership framework that encompasses the research-based paradoxes that leaders juggle
• Create a personalized plan for development that transforms SMART goals into guiding questions and practical actions

What You'll Learn
  1. The ’12 Lenses of Leadership’ framework to help leaders understand which roles and priorities fit their natural styles, which they tend of overlook and which are most essential to reaching their current goals.

  2. The synthesis of psychological type, emotional intelligence and polarity thinking to leverage strengths and manage blind spots.

  3. ‘The priority focus’ process leaders can use again and again to choose the right priorities given who they are, who they are leading, their current realities and where they need to go.

Workshop Prerequisites
  • Familiarity with a Jungian Personality Type Instrument (MBTI, GPPTM, JTI, MTI, PTI)

  • Familiarity with the EQi 2.0 model of Emotional Intelligence is optional but advantageous. Participants may opt to obtain a debrief of their EQi 2.0 profile at additional cost.

What You'll Receive
  • A copy of Intentional Leadership Priority cards

  • A Copy of Jane Kise's 'Intentional Leadership' book

  • Participant's Workbook

Where we run this
Auckland iconic.jpg

Auckland, NZ

19th September 2019

CCS Disability Action 

14 Erson Avenue

Royal Oak, Auckland 



24th October 2019

M.A.D. School at Chatsworth Medi@rt Academy

Riverside Point, #03-22, Singapore

If you would like us to run this programme in your city, send us an email at

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